Labiaplasty involves surgical correction of the size of the labia. It usually involves reduction of the labia minora ( the soft thin inner folds of skin surrounding the vaginal opening) or infrequently increase in size of shrunken labia majora (the outer vertical fatty folds) by autologous fat transfer.

Enlarged labia minora can occur due to multiple reasons like genetic, ageing, child birth or sexual activity. Shrunken labia majora can occur from years of sexual activity, weight loss or infection.

Why opt for a Labiaplasty?

Females with enlarged labia minora may face multiple problems such as feeling self-conscious while wearing a bikini /swimsuit or form-fitting clothes as well as difficulty with exercise & sports or sexual activity, hygiene issues and urinary tract infections. Some women may not face any of the afore mentioned functional issues, but nevertheless have a problem with the appearance of their private parts. In either case, labiaplasty is a quick and safe day care surgery which will allow you to return to your normal activities within a few weeks. Labiaplasty however will not improve low sexual drive or loss of libido, which may be due to psychological dysfunction or hormonal imbalance.

The Procedure

Labiaplasty is usually performed as a day care surgery under local anaesthesia or sedation. The surgery involves meticulous and precise trimming of both overgrown labia minora (inner lips) in such a way that they fit neatly within the labia majora (outer lip) to give the genital area a proportionate and aesthetic appearance.

The After Care

For most women the recovery is quick and uncomplicated. Ice application is recommended for first 48-72hrs intermittently to reduce swelling and bruising. Antibiotics and pain medications are prescribed for a few days. It is advisable to wear loose fitting pants for comfort for 2 weeks. A sanitary pad may be helpful for a week to absorb any minor bleeding from the operated site. It is preferable to refrain from sexual activities for upto six weeks after surgery to allow for complete healing. Itching while the sutures dissolve is expected for the first 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.

The Benefits

The benefits are not only functional but also aesthetic. The embarrassment of having enlarged labia is completely taken care of, giving the woman complete freedom to choose the kind of clothing she wants to wear along with an enhanced self-image and confidence of personal sexuality.

Labiaplasty can also be combined with other Vaginal rejuvenation procedures like clitoral hood reduction, fat grafting for labia majora and vaginoplasty.