Removal of Moles | Skin Tags | Cysts | Swellings

Removal of Moles | Skin Tags | Cysts | Swellings

Even the smallest of facial skin conditions can make you feel very self-conscious. Moles, cysts, skin tags and swellings are all very common skin and soft tissue conditions. Dr. Amiti Shah has had several patients come in to remove these through simple surgical procedures and treatments.

“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

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Why would you want to remove moles/skin tags/cysts/swellings?

There can be various reasons why you would want to remove any of these. They may be aesthetically unappealing, they may be growing in size, there may be a sudden change in color or growth pattern, or they may bleed or get infected. Very rarely moles have the risk of converting into cancerous growths, so it is important to get medical advice whenever there is a change in shape, size, colour of any mole or if there is bleeding from the mole.

How are these skin conditions corrected through surgical procedures?

These skin conditions can usually be removed under local anesthesia and with minimal scarring depending on the location of the mole or swelling. Depending on the size and the area where it is located, these can be excised surgically or removed by using radiofrequency cautery. If these lesions are on the face, utmost care is taken to keep the scar within the relaxed skin tension lines for minimal visibility.


  • Improved appearance: The removal of moles, skin tags, and other types of skin swellings can improve the appearance of the skin and may help to boost self-confidence.
  • Reduced discomfort: Depending on the location of the mole or swelling, it may cause discomfort or irritation. Removing these growths can help to alleviate these symptoms.
  • Prevention of complications: In some cases, moles, cysts, and other types of skin swellings can become infected or develop into cancerous growths. Removing these growths can help to prevent potential complications.
  • Quick and simple procedure: Many of these procedures can be performed quickly and with minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Low risk of complications: These procedures are typically low-risk, with a low likelihood of complications such as infection or scarring.
  • Pathological analysis: In some cases, the removed tissue may be sent for pathological analysis to rule out the possibility of cancer or other underlying conditions. This can provide peace of mind for the patient and allow for early detection and treatment of any potential health concerns.

Dr. Amiti Shah ensures these skin conditions are dealt with great attention to detail and minimal scarring. Book an appointment today for your consultation and treatment.

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