Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal in Mumbai is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps individuals achieve a more contoured and defined facial structure. Every individual has a pad of fat in the cheek area, which gives the face a youthful appearance. In some individuals, the size of this fat pad is large and bothersome resulting in a baby-face look. Buccal fat removal is a surgical procedure to remove this pad of fat. It can be done under local or general anesthesia. Fat is removed through a small cut made inside the mouth and hence there are no visible scars on the face. This procedure can make the cheeks look thinner and the face is transformed with a more attractive shape and contour depending on the patient.

buccal fat removal in mumbai

What is buccal fat removal?

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from the cheeks to create a slimmer, more contoured facial appearance.
The buccal fat pad is a layer of fat located in the cheeks, just below the cheekbones. While this fat is necessary to provide a youthful appearance and volume to the face, in some individuals, the buccal fat pad can be more prominent than desired, resulting in a round or chubby facial appearance.

Buccal fat surgery procedure

During buccal fat removal, the surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth, near the cheek. The buccal fat pad is then gently separated from the surrounding tissues and removed through the incision. The incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures.

Benefits of buccal fat removal

The benefits of buccal fat removal can include:

  • Improved facial contour: Buccal fat removal can create a slimmer, more defined facial appearance by removing excess fat from the cheeks.
  • Long-lasting results: The results of buccal fat removal are typically long-lasting, with patients experiencing permanent improvement in the appearance of their cheeks.
  • Minimal scarring: Because the incision is made inside the mouth, there is typically no visible scarring after the procedure.
  • Minimal downtime: Recovery time after buccal fat removal is typically minimal, with patients able to return to work and other normal activities within a few days.
  • Low risk of complications: Buccal fat removal is generally considered a safe procedure with a low risk of complications.

Dr. Amiti Shah always looks at each patient as a whole and not in parts. She makes sure her procedures make you look natural and proportionate. If you are considering buccal fat removal in Mumbai or any other cosmetic procedure, book your appointment with Dr. Shah today for the right consultation and treatment for you. With her expertise and personalized approach, Dr. Shah can help you achieve your desired outcome and enhance your natural beauty.

To visit Dr. Amiti Shah’s Clinic click here.