
Face Procedures

Your face is your identity so with any facial procedure you need a doctor you can trust. Dr. Amiti Shah offers the best care and skilled techniques. She is experienced in a variety of facial procedures from lip reduction and facial fat transfer to scar revision and more. Dr. Shah pays great attention to detail and uses her artistic eye to ensure the procedure complements your facial shape and leaves you with minimal scarring.


face plastic surgery in mumbai

Removal of moles/skin tags/cysts/swellings

“Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.” – Zoe Kravitz

Even the smallest of facial skin conditions can make you feel very self-conscious. Moles, cysts, skin tags and swellings are all very common skin and soft tissue conditions. Dr. Amiti Shah has had several patients come in to remove these through simple surgical procedures and treatments.

Why would you want to remove moles/skin tags/cysts/swellings?

There can be various reasons why you would want to remove any of these. They may be aesthetically unappealing, they may be growing in size, there may be a sudden change in color or growth pattern, or they may bleed or get infected.

How are these skin conditions corrected through surgical procedures?

These skin conditions can usually be removed under local anesthetic and with minimal scarring. Depending on the size and the area where it is located, these can be excised surgically or removed by using radiofrequency cautery. If these lesions are on the face, utmost care is taken to keep the scar within the relaxed skin tension lines for minimal visibility.

Dr. Amiti Shah ensures these skin conditions are dealt with great attention to detail and minimal scarring. Book an appointment today for your consultation and treatment.

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Dr. Amiti Shah has had visits from various patients who are not happy with the look and shape of their ears. For them she recommends an Otoplasty, which is a surgical procedure that permanently alters the shape of the ears. Most of the time this surgery is performed for patients who complain about asymmetric or protruding ears (ears that stick out too much). In India in particular, women struggle with elongated ear piercings since they may wear heavy earrings for long periods of time. This not only causes the smaller earrings to slip out easily but also gives an aesthetically unappealing appearance. Dr. Shah can easily correct this through an Otoplasty as well.

What is involved in the repair?

When performing an Otoplasty to reshape the ears, Dr. Shah ensures none of the internal structures are touched but rather the other structures that may add to the prominence of ears are modified. The repair of elongated ear lobes is a minor surgical procedure done under local anesthesia and performed several times by Dr. Shah. The repair is done surgically by stitching up the elongated part of the ear. This gives strength to the weakened area. After the site has completely healed and acquired enough strength, the ear can be pierced again.

Book an appointment with Dr. Amiti Shah today to find out if an Otoplasty is the right procedure for you.


Facial Fat Transfer

“Things happen to people who believe. If you believe something long enough, it becomes a fact.” – Sushmita Sen

As you grow older, tissues and skin on your face start to lose elasticity giving you clear signs of aging such as smile lines, frown lines, wrinkles, furrows, marionette lines, and loss of volume on the cheeks and lips. Dr. Shah can help you eliminate these through a facial fat transfer procedure. This avoids a major surgical face-lift that can have a longer recovery period. A facial fat transfer can also improve scars and correct any areas of hollowness on the face.

What is facial fat transfer?

Autologous fat transfer is a procedure in which the individuals own body fat is harvested, appropriately treated and then injected into the desired areas of the face to give a rejuvenated appearance. The advantage of autologous fat transfer is that no foreign material is introduced into the body and hence the chances of an allergic reaction are close to zero. Additionally, the effects of fat transfer may last for a longer period of time compared to the ones due to facial fillers. Fat transfer is usually performed under local anesthesia and as an outpatient procedure.

Dr. Amiti Shah takes special care with facial fat transfer procedures and ensures you are well looked after. Book your appointment with Dr. Shah today to reshape your face contour and look and feel rejuvenated.

Buccal Fat Removal

Every individual has a pad of fat in the cheek area, which gives the face a youthful appearance. In some individuals the size of this fat pad is large and bothersome resulting in a baby-face look. Buccal fat removal is a surgical procedure to remove this pad of fat. It can be done under local or general anesthesia. Fat is removed through a small cut made inside the mouth and hence there are no visible scars on the face. This procedure can make the cheeks look thinner and the face is transformed with a more attractive shape and contour depending on the patient.

Dr. Amiti Shah always looks at each patient as a whole and not in parts. She makes sure her procedures make you look natural and proportionate. Book your appointment with Dr. Shah today for the right consultation and treatment for you.

Lip Reduction

“We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” – Marilyn Monroe

Dr. Amiti Shah has had patients come to her who are embarrassed by their overly thick and large lips. This could be a natural condition or it could also be caused by permanent fillers that patients may have gotten put elsewhere. Dr. Shah can easily perform a lip reduction procedure to help you achieve lips proportionate to your face contour.

What does the lip reduction procedure involve?

Lip reduction is a surgical procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Both the upper and lower lip can be reduced in size. A cut is made on the inner aspect of the lip and excess tissue is removed. The cut is made in such a way that it is not visible on the face. A simple procedure like this can help to balance out the facial features.

Dr. Amiti Shah does her best to ensure each patient comes out feeling natural and proportionate after her procedures. Contact her today for more information regarding a lip reduction.

Scar Revision

“Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself.” – Alice Walker

Scars can be reminders of trauma, cause emotional stress and can also result in disproportionate facial features. While scars can never be completely removed, Dr. Amiti Shah has worked with several patients to improve scars and reduce their visibility where possible.

What is done in a scare revision procedure?

Improvement of scars may include:

  • Getting scars into the natural creases of the face to reduce their visibility,
  • Eliminating cross hatching marks and reducing them into a fine line,
  • Revising thick scars and making them fine,
  • And correcting any pulled facial structures.

These surgical procedures can be done under local or general anesthesia as per the patient requirement. Scar re-modeling after scar revision surgery can go on for a period of one year and can involve regular scar massages with medicated creams, and in some cases, application of silicone gel sheets as part of the treatment.

Dr. Amiti Shah understands how scars can cause patients to fell self-conscious and lack confidence. She works with them to do her best to visibly reduce the prominence of scars. Book your appointment with her today for a consultation and more information.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” – Yoko Ono

Dr. Amiti Shah also has experience working with patients who have physical and aesthetic problems with their nose. The nose is the central structure on the face and attracts a lot of attention in any social situation. Those who complain about a disproportionate nose (including humps or depressions, large nasal tips, turned nasal tips, wide nostrils, asymmetrical nose shape, etc.) are offered a Rhinoplasty.

What is a rhinoplasty?

A Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure where asymmetric nose issues are corrected. This is done by making an incision between your nostrils to sculpt internal structures as per patient requirements. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia and may be done as a day care procedure or may involve a hospital stay for a day or two depending on the duration of the surgery and the severity of the problem. A Rhinoplasty can also be done along with a Septoplasty (a procedure to correct breathing problems due to a deviated nasal septum).

Dr. Amiti Shah ensures your expectations from this procedure are fully managed and that you receive the best care from the first consultation all the way to post-recovery. Book your appointment with Dr. Shah today to learn more.