Have you been working hard to lose weight but are still unhappy with the way your tummy looks? Sometimes, despite all your efforts stubborn fat cells and/or excess skin remains around the abdominal area that looks unappealing and disproportionate. This can be because of a multitude of reasons. For example, having children or after a significant weight loss, the abdominal tissues have been stretched to such an extent that simply burning fat doesn’t give a flat tummy look. In these cases, some choose to opt for plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). As a patient though, how do you decide which cosmetic procedure is for you?

The right answer is to consult a plastic surgeon as every person is unique and the requirements for each are different. However, here is some information to help you with your basic understanding.

So, what’s the difference between Liposuction and Tummy Tuck?

Both a tummy tuck and a liposuction are surgical procedures with the goal to change the appearance of your midsection to make it flatter and shapely. Liposuction helps with contouring by removing excess stubborn fat alone in specific areas of the body, in this case the tummy, love handles and flank bulges. Whereas tummy tuck has multiple components including removal of excess hanging skin and fat, tightening of the stretched recti muscles and is often combined with liposuction for safe and superior results.

A tummy tuck is comparatively a bigger operation with more steps involved, treating the lax abdominal skin, excess fat as well as the stretched muscles in comparison to liposuction which addresses fat alone and can achieve only a certain amount of skin shrinkage.

Did you know?

Liposuction and Tummy Tucks are not weight loss tools. They are not recommended if you are morbidly obese and want to lose weight. In fact, while they claim permanent results, if patients gain significant weight after these procedures the outcome may be altered.

How different are the actual procedures?

One is an outpatient procedure and the other is a more invasive surgery. In a liposuction procedure, small incisions (cuts) are made in the skin and a thin cannula is used to suction out fatty tissue from beneath the skin. The key is to sculpt fat to create a proportionate figure. You may be under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation or purely under local anaesthesia depending upon the area to be treated and the amount of liposuction required. It could take more than one session of liposuction to achieve the desired results. Mild to moderate amount of skin shrinkage follows a liposuction procedure. High definition body sculpting can be achieved by skin etching if desired by patient.

A tummy tuck procedure is done under general anaesthesia. Liposuction is a part of this procedure and is performed in all areas followed by excision of excess overhanging skin and fat in a planned manner. Tightening of the lax abdominal muscles is done with the help of stitches. This results in a stronger and more stable abdominal wall. The belly button is replaced at the most natural position on the abdomen and the closure of the skin is done to achieve a scar in bikini line with absorbable stitches. The entire procedure takes about 3 hours.

Rest, Recuperate and Recover

Liposuction is considered an outpatient procedure so you should be able to resume regular activity fairly quickly, within 48 – 72 hours. However, you should wait for your doctor’s all-clear before getting into heavy exercise. You may experience some swelling and bleeding at your incision site, and your doctor may ask you to wear a compression garment to help with the healing.

In a tummy tuck surgery, your incision will be covered with surgical dressing and you will be expected to wear a compression garment. You will most likely need painkillers to manage your pain and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. It will take at least four weeks for the initial recovery where you will have to take extra precaution to protect your abdominal area and encourage full healing.

This is just a brief overview of the differences in the two procedures. Some facts will remain the same but depending on your overall health, medical history, pain tolerance and other variables, the results, risk and recovery may differ. While liposuction and tummy tuck procedures share the same goal of shaping the abdominal area, there are clear differences between the two. Your plastic surgeon, after listening to your requirements and a thorough examination, will guide you towards making a wise decision to achieve long lasting pleasing results. 

From the desk of Dr. Amiti Shah