Nipple and Areola Reduction Surgery In Mumbai

The nipples and the dark circular area around them, known as areolae, are prominent features of your breasts. Some women (and even men) may have disproportionate-looking areolas and nipples that make them very self-conscious. So they can opt for nipple and areola reduction procedures by Dr. Amiti Shah.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

Breast Augmentation in Mumbai

What is a nipple & areola reduction procedure?

Nipple and areola reduction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves reducing the size or changing the shape of the nipples or areolas. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia and involves removing a small amount of tissue and reshaping the nipple or areola. The surgery is often used to address aesthetic concerns, such as enlarged or asymmetrical nipples or areolas. It may be done as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with other cosmetic breast surgeries, such as breast augmentation, lift, or reduction.

Who are the right candidates for nipple & areola reduction?

The right candidates for nipple and areola reduction surgery are individuals who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nipples or areolas and desire a change for cosmetic reasons. Common reasons for seeking this type of surgery include:
  • Enlarged nipples or areolas that are out of proportion with the rest of the breast
  • Asymmetrical nipples or areolas
  • Nipples that are too long or too wide
  • Areolas that are too large or too puffy
  • Changes in the appearance of the nipples or areolas due to weight loss, pregnancy, or aging

What causes disproportionately large nipples and areola?

Genetics, pregnancy and lactation, aging or trauma can cause your areolas and nipples to look asymmetric and misshapen. This includes nipples looking long or droopy and areolae appearing enlarged and puffy.

What is involved in corrective surgery?

The surgery for nipple and areola reduction can be done under local anesthesia and is a day care procedure. It involves making an incision and removing excess tissue. Areola reduction can be done by itself or also as a part of other major surgeries like breast reduction or a breast lift. Dr. Amiti Shah understands how private this condition can be and is there to make it easier for you to feel more natural and beautiful. Contact her today for a consultation and to learn more about this procedure.

What are the benefits of nipple and areola reduction?

The benefits of this surgery include:

  • Improved self-esteem and body confidence due to achieving a more aesthetically pleasing nipple or areola appearance.
  • Correction of asymmetrical nipples or areolas that can cause embarrassment or self-consciousness.
  • Reduction of enlarged nipples or areolas that can cause discomfort or make it difficult to find properly fitting clothing.
  • Enhanced proportion and symmetry of the breasts, which can improve the overall appearance of the chest area.
  • The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the recovery time is typically minimal and patients can return to normal activities relatively quickly.

Dr. Amiti Shah can help to correct this by performing an Areola and Nipple Reduction Surgery. She makes sure that you get a natural look to complement your overall body shape.

To visit Dr. Amiti Shah’s Clinic click here.