Axillary Accessory Breast Removal

Sometimes breast tissue can develop in areas beyond the breast, most commonly in the area of your armpits. This is called accessory breast tissue and it can appear lumpy. This can be distressing for women because of its unappealing appearance or due to pain on the lump during the menstrual cycle. It can also increase in size with weight gain making it look even worse. Dr. Amiti Shah has the solution for armpit fat removal that can be safely removed through surgery.
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn
Breast Augmentation in Mumbai

What is accessory breast removal?

Accessory breast removal is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or more accessory breasts, which are small breast tissue growths that can occur in addition to the primary breasts. These growths can develop along the “milk line,” a line of breast tissue that extends from the armpit to the groin. Accessory breasts can cause physical discomfort, self-consciousness, or other cosmetic concerns. During accessory breast removal surgery, the surgeon first performs liposuction of the affected area to remove the excess fatty tissue. After liposuction if there is excess skin and/or gland, an incision is taken in that area to remove excess skin and gland. The size and location of the incision will depend on the size and location of the accessory breast. The surgery, also known as armpit fat removal, is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can typically resume normal activities within a few days. As with any surgery, the risks associated with accessory breast removal, or armpit fat removal, include infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in sensation around the operated site, but these risks go down to bare minimal when operated by a qualified surgeon. Armpit fat removal can provide physical and cosmetic benefits by eliminating physical discomfort and improving the appearance of the affected area.

What kind of surgery does this involve?

Accessory breast tissue can be removed through liposuction or a combination of liposuction and excision of the tissue. The latter depends on the size and nature of the lump, the presence of excess skin, skin elasticity and other factors. The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the amount of tissue that has to be removed.

What are the benefits of accessory breast removal procedure?

  • Elimination of physical discomfort or pain associated with the accessory breast
  • Improved body proportion and contour
  • Improved self-esteem, confidence, and body image
  • More comfortable in clothing
  • Long-lasting results
  • Minimal scarring
  • Psychological benefits
  • Improved physical well-being

So if you see and feel lumps outside of your normal breast area that you are unsure about, book a consultation with Dr. Amiti Shah today for armpit fat removal. You are in safe hands with her and she will ensure all your worries are taken care of.

To visit Dr. Amiti Shah’s Clinic click here.