Breast Asymmetry Correction

Most women have asymmetric breasts. One breast may be slightly larger than the other, but the difference is not very visible or noticeable. The difference in the breasts may be due to size, shape or position on the chest wall. When the difference between the two breasts is of more than one cup size, the difference is distressing and visually unappealing. With breast asymmetry correction in Mumbai, you can achieve a more proportionate and balanced appearance. Dr. Amiti Shah is a skilled plastic surgeon who has helped many women achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing look through breast asymmetry correction.

The difference can be corrected by surgical procedures that may include augmentation of the smaller breast or reduction of the larger breast or lift of the sagging or drooping breast or a combination of two procedures. Surgery can definitely make the breasts fairly symmetrical and the difference less noticeable.


What is an asymmetric breast?

Asymmetric breasts refer to a condition where one breast is noticeably different in size, shape, or position compared to the other breast. This is a common condition, and many women experience some degree of asymmetry in their breasts.Breast asymmetry can also cause emotional distress or self-consciousness for some women, and there are various cosmetic surgery options available to help balance the appearance of the breasts.

How to correct asymmetric breasts with cosmetic procedures?

There are several cosmetic procedures available to address breast asymmetry, including:

  • Breast augmentation: This procedure involves the use of implants to increase the size of the smaller breast to match the larger one.
  • Breast reduction: This procedure involves removing excess tissue from the larger breast to make it smaller and match the smaller breast.
  • Breast lift: This procedure involves lifting the sagging breast to make it more symmetrical with the other breast.
  • Fat transfer: This procedure involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the smaller breast to make it larger and match the other breast.
  • Nipple and areola correction: This procedure involves correcting the size, shape, or position of the nipple and areola to make them more symmetrical with the other breast.

Breast asymmetry correction in Mumbai is a daycare procedure, done under general anaesthesia. The procedure usually is done in 60 to 90 mins depending on which procedure is required. Post-procedure you will be advised to rest for two or three days following which you can start basic day-to-day activities. If your profession involves a desk job you can resume work anytime between 3rd and 5th day of surgery. Strenuous physical activity is restricted for 4 to 6 weeks following the breast asymmetry correction surgery.

Book your consultation with Dr. Amiti Shah today to learn more about the treatment for asymmetric breasts.

To visit Dr. Amiti Shah’s Clinic click here.